
Make Your Garden Dog-Safe

Make Your Garden Dog-Safe Is your dog an ‘escape-artist’? How can you ensure that your dog is safe and secure in your outdoor space? You need to be aware of your dog’s personality and characteristics in order to plan your outdoor space. Fences may be expensive and need maintenance but they do train dogs and […]

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Pools, Pooches and Purries!

Pools, Pooches and Purries! Summer has arrived and there’s nothing more refreshing when you want to cool off than diving into a sparkling swimming pool. Many pets love to swim too, but not all of them. Most dogs, and even some cats believe it or not, enjoy a cooling dip when temperatures soar. However, as […]

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Doggie Yoga: Doga!

Doggie Yoga: Doga! Yoga, the “healing art” is becoming increasingly popular as people are realizing its mental and physical benefits. It has, in fact, been practiced for over 5,000 years. Yoga is considered to be a “mind-body” exercise. It benefits and strengthens muscles, circulation, bones, joints and the respiratory system. It has also been found […]

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Your Dog and Hot Weather

Your Dog and Hot Weather High temperatures in the summer can be dangerous for our canine friends – they can overheat and may experience heat-stroke, which may be life-threatening. Summer can mean lots of fun times outdoors, but we must be aware of the dangers. We all want to ensure that our dogs are safe, […]

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