Facts on The Life Cycle of a Tick


Posted by bravectosouthafrica – 01 February 2018

Phase 1

The female tick lays the eggs. The eggs vary from 2 000 to 18 000. The male tick dies immediately after he has mated, whereas the female tick’s lifecycle ends after she has laid her eggs.

Phase 2

The larvae emerge from the eggs and start looking similar to the adult ticks. The only difference at this stage is that the larvae has six legs, as opposed to the adult tick who has eight legs. The next step for the larvae is to find a host in order to survive. Once they have found a host, they will feed and then drop off. In this stage the larvae will remain on the ground until it has grown into its next stage, which is the Nymph stage.

Phase 3

The Nymph Stage is where the missing two legs appear. Apart from the leg add-on, this stage is very similar to the larvae stage and requires the Nymph to find a host, feed and drop off.

Phase 4

The fully grown, adult tick will now attach itself to its host for approximately 24 hours before mating. The female tick will fall off the host and die immediately after she lays her eggs.

Want to know more about ticks?

Download the 6 part life cycle of a tick to learn more.

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