Health and Wellness

Autumn Pet Care

Autumn Pet Care Autumn is upon us and winter is just around the corner. However, colder weather doesn’t mean that you can forget about pet care. We’re going to help you with some tips to ensure that your pets will be happy and healthy during the cooler days of autumn. Cooler Weather As we know, […]

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Make Your Garden Dog-Safe

Make Your Garden Dog-Safe Is your dog an ‘escape-artist’? How can you ensure that your dog is safe and secure in your outdoor space? You need to be aware of your dog’s personality and characteristics in order to plan your outdoor space. Fences may be expensive and need maintenance but they do train dogs and […]

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Toxic Plants and Pets

Toxic Plants and Pets There are many benefits to gardening, such as improving creativity, relieving stress, increasing productivity, boosting focus and recovery. Also, having plants in and around our homes can improve our mood and bring us a lot of joy. However, unfortunately there are many plants which may be poisonous to our furry friends. […]

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