Alternative treats to give your dog


Posted by bravectosouthafrica – 30 March 2018

Topics covered in this article:

Chocolate Alternatives for Dogs
Frozen Sardines
Brown Rice
Red Peppers

Chocolate Alternatives for Dogs

As we know, chocolate is not good for your fur-kid. However if he has been an exceptionally good boy, you might want to reward him with a tasty treat. Or, with the abundance of chocolate around the house, it might be hard to control everything that lands in your dog’s mouth. We’ve compiled a list of yummy and healthy treats you can give your dog while staying clear of chocolate and other health risks. It’s always best to ask your vet first, before feeding your dog anything you are unsure of.


Although humans might be able to taste the difference between chocolate and carob, dogs most likely cannot. Although chocolate is a hazard for dogs, carob is completely safe and healthy. Carob has a taste very similar to
chocolate, yet doesn’t contain Theobromine, the poisonous component of chocolate. Not only does carob not harm your dog, but it also has healthy properties to it and contains plenty of vitamins, fibre and pectin.

Frozen Sardines

Frozen Sardines are great tasty treats and are rich in omegas. Their small size allows you to feed them to your dog whole.


While you’re working in the kitchen, don’t be scared to give your dog a little left-over cabbage. Cabbage is known to be a cancerfighting vegetable and could be great for your dog in small amounts. Be sure only to give your dog a tiny share, as a big serving of cabbage may upset your dog’s stomach.

Brown Rice

Although bland, brown rice can be very filling for your furry friend. Brown rice is also particularly good for dogs with upset stomachs.


Quinoa is a great and healthy alternative to brown rice if your dog is grain sensitive.

Red Peppers

Red peppers are filled with nutritional value and vitamins and can be served freshly sliced or frozen. Your dog will love this sweet treat.


Like cabbage, cauliflower is a cancer-fighting vegetable that most dogs love! Chop some up into tiny pieces and sprinkle over your dog’s dinner.

Sources for-dogs ingredient-healthy- dog-treats

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