Tips When Travelling With Your Dog

Posted by bravectosouthafrica – 01 October 2018
Packing, hitting the road and venturing to a brand-new adventurous destination – what’s not to love about family getaways? Family getaways are even more special when you’re able to take the entire clan along, including your dog. So, we’ve taken a look at the great top tips for pet travel with your dog and making the journey just as enjoyable as the destination.
1. The trip starts at the vet
Before you start thinking about kitting your dog out with the newest travel attire, it’s recommended to take your dog for a routine check-up at the vet to make sure they’re healthy and ready for the road! When deciding where to go, your pet will need a good bill of health from a licenced veterinarian and be up to date with all his vaccinations. When at the vet, it might also be a good idea to discuss the best remedies for travel anxiety, motion sickness and any other questions you might have about taking your fur kid along on the journey. Many pet friendly guesthouses have a high flea load and there may be ticks at your holiday destination, so pick up a Bravecto® chew while you’re at the vet to make sure your best friend is protected for 12 weeks.
2. Prepare your dog
Every dog has a personality of their own, which is why you love your dog so much. This also means that every dog will have her own way of handling long trips in a car. So, before heading for the open road, be sure to take your pooch for a 2-3-hour test drive. That way you’ll be able to tell how she behaves in a car. Things to look out for are if she gets anxious, agitated or can travel without getting motion sickness.
3. Make sure your dog is identifiable
Travelling is one big adventure, filled with plenty of new faces, feelings, smells and experiences. But it can also be very distracting for a dog with so many fun and exciting things they’re experiencing for the first time. So, to avoid having to frantically search for your pooch in the unfortunate case that they might have made a run for it – be sure that your dog is microchipped and is wearing a collar with your up to date contact details.
4. Pack your pup’s suitcase
Believe it or not, your dog isn’t going to travel as light as you initially think. So, be sure you pack all the doggy essentials. When travelling, your dog is going to feel a bit out of sorts being taken out of their daily routine. For some ease of mind, be sure to pack your dog’s favourite blankets, toys and pillows, so he still has a little bit of home along the journey. Other items that should be at the top of your packing list include any prescribed doggy medication, treats, an extra collar and lead, a dog crate or travel carrier, a dog bowl, water bowl and of course, plenty of water for the road. Lastly, if your dog is on a veterinary prescription diet that may be tough to find, ensure you pack enough food for the trip.
5. Download the Bravecto® Reminder App!
Amid all the travelling and excitement, it can be easy to forget to stay up to date with your dog’s scheduled chews. Be sure to download the Bravecto® Reminder App, ensuring that you don’t pick up any unwanted hitchhikers on your journey, who’ll definitely spoil the holiday fun.
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