Top 5 Dog Movies For Your Best Friend

Posted by bravectosouthafrica – 01 August 2018
Nothing beats cuddles on the couch with your furry best friend. World Dog Day is around the corner, and there’s still a little bit of a chill in the air, so what better way to celebrate than having the ultimate dog movie day! Grab yourself a bowl of popcorn, some extra dog treats for your pooch, a blanket or two and spend some good quality time cuddling your dog on the couch this World Dog Day. To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of the top five dog movies you can enjoy with your best friend.
Dog Movie One: Lady and The Tramp
Begin with this all-time classic and family favourite. The movie is the perfect combination of family-friendly entertainment and some teary eyes, smiles, laughs and childhood nostalgia, as you watch the sweet love story between Lady and the Tramp.
Dog Movie Two: Benji
Whether you decide to fall in love with the 1974 classic, or the contemporary 2018 version of Benji, one thing is for sure – “Benji” is a must watch and has been adored for decades, currently stealing hearts on Netflix. The story shows us that there’s a place for everyone, reminding you of why your little fluff ball crawled into your heart in the first place.
Dog Movie Three: Eight Below
Now, first things first – make sure there are some tissues nearby. Luckily, if you’ve got your doggies nearby, their cuddles will make this movie slightly less emotional. Although it’s a famous tear-jerker, Eight-Below is still a definite in our top 5. The film follows the adventures and drama of a researcher based in Antarctica and his eight sledge dogs and focuses on the intense bond, loyalty and companionship of the beautiful dogs in the freezing land of Antarctica.
Dog Movie Four: Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
Based on the true story of Hachiko The Dog, this film is bound to creep into your heart as you become engulfed in the story of a remarkable relationship between a dog and his owner. It tells the story of the great love and respect between Hachiko and his owner.
Dog Movie Five: Marley & Me
Marley & Me is a story about how a couple’s life changes as soon as they adopt an energetic, naughty, but super lovable dog, Marley. The film beautifully pinpoints the antics, cute moments, the raucous and absolute adventure of having a dog as a part of the family. The movie is a definite for anyone with a pawed pal, or even without, emphasising how much your dog truly becomes a part of your family, your memories and all the moments in between – which is the real adventure.
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