Leptospirosis : What you need to know

What is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a serious disease which can affect both animals and humans. Symptoms range from mild (with almost no symptoms) to multiple-organ failure and even death. All mammals, including humans, dogs and cats, are susceptible to this dangerous illness. Common symptoms include high temperature, headache, body aches and pain, stomach ache and diarrhoea.

In which areas can Leptospirosis be found?

The bacteria which causes this disease: Leptospira, likes warm climates but can be found all over the world, in soil and water, in both urban and rural areas.

Which animals can transmit Leptospirosis?

Many animals, with which pets come in contact in South Africa, including both domestic animals and wildlife, can be infectious. These may include rats, cattle, horses, pigs and other livestock. An infected animal sheds the Leptospira bacteria in its urine.

Are dogs living in the country mainly at risk?

Dogs living in both country and urban environments are at risk from this disease. Our country canines obviously have more access to bodies of water, such as streams, rivers and ponds; they are also more likely to come in contact with wildlife and livestock, who may be carrying these bacteria.

However, our urban and suburban dogs can also contract this disease. Rodents and other wildlife are common in many cities and suburbs and may be carrying Leptospirosis, which may be spread by their urine.

Is there any way to protect animals againts Leptospirosis?

There are vaccines available, from your vet, which help to prevent this disease. In fact, some vaccines have been shown to stop an infected animal from shedding the Leptospira, which is a very effective way to prevent the spread of this disease, as the bacteria can be found in the urine of domestic and wild animals, with which your pet may come in contact. Ask your vet about the Nobivac® vaccines available to prevent Leptosirosis.

If you are concerned … vaccinate!


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