Dehydration in dogs this summer

Posted by bravectosouthafrica – 22 November 2018
Hello, summer! Boy, have we been waiting for you? However, as summer starts to settle in, and we start preparing for more sunny days outdoors – the heat comes with some potential dangers of its own. With the excitement of summer, it’s easy to miss the signs of dehydration in dogs. In this article, we’ll cover how to keep your dog hydrated, happy and healthy.
We’ve all experienced those bright, beautiful days outside with our pawed pals. Whether it’s playing fetch in the park, going on hikes or lazing around in the sun, it’s super important to make sure your dog stays hydrated.

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What causes dehydration in dogs?
Vomiting, excessive panting, or playing outside in the heat of the day with no water, are all things that can cause dehydration in dogs. This happens because their bodies lose valuable fluids and electrolytes that are crucial in maintaining proper organ function. It’s important to note that some pooches also easily get dehydrated when they’re stressed or distracted when running around, meaning that it could be easier to forget to get that much-needed drink than we think.
Signs of dehydration in dogs
In order to keep your dog hydrated, it’s important that you know which signs to look out for that might indicate that he or she is dehydrated. These signs include:
– Appearing lethargic.
– Eyes, nose and mouth appear dry.
– The skin will lose elasticity.
More severe signs of dehydration in dogs include weak pulse, bright red gums and mucous membranes, weakness, shivering, listlessness, unconsciousness, and in extreme cases, death. In severe cases, it’s important to contact your veterinarian immediately to prevent any heart or kidney damage.
In some cases, you may be able to detect dehydration in dogs by checking the elasticity of your dog’s skin. You can check this by gently pulling the skin between your dog’s shoulder blades. The skin should return to its normal position immediately. If it doesn’t, it’s an easy indicator that your pooch is dehydrated.

Dehydration Treatment:
If you notice signs of dehydration in your dog, slowly give him water with electrolytes to drink. If he’s unable to keep any water down, give him a few ice blocks to lick. If all these efforts are still not working and he stops drinking altogether, it’s best to contact your veterinarian right away. Your veterinarian will then most likely administer intravenous fluids and if necessary, run tests to determine any underlying causes.
To prevent dehydration in your dog, ensure that there is always drinkable water for your dog to consume. Especially during the hot summer months, you should be aware of the signs of dehydration, and your dog’s behaviour.
Keeping your dog hydrated:
The best treatment for dehydration in dogs is prevention. Make sure there is ample opportunity for your pup to have a drink.
– Place several water bowls around the house.
– Always bring a portable bowl/bottle if you’re leaving the house.
– After exercise, be sure to give your dog small amounts of water at a time
– you don’t want your dog to gulp too much, too quickly.
– Always offer your dog a bowl of clean, fresh water with every meal.

Bravecto® Tip: Adding water to your dog’s food is a great way to ensure that your dog stays hydrated on those hot summer days.
If you enjoyed this article, be sure to have a look at our other articles on keeping your dog healthy with Bravecto® here Bravceto Blog Articles
Keeping your dog hydrated
Dehydration in Dogs
Water and Your Dog’s Health
Dehydration in Dogs Symptoms
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